An additive that extends the working time with acrylic paints, decorative putties and decorative varnishes.
Area of use: designed to extend the working time with acrylic paints, decorative putties and decorative varnishes. Recommended for use when painting ceilings.
Features: mild, specific smell, extends drying time from 2 to 5 times (depending on the dilution ratio).
Working conditions: the temperature of the base and the environment during work and drying must not be lower than +5°C, the optimal working conditions are at a temperature of +20°C and 65% relative air humidity.
Usage: to extend the drying time of the paint (for painting walls and ceilings), dilute the paint with DECOMAX additive from 10% to 20% and mix well. When performing decoration works, it is recommended to dilute the decoration putty with the DECOMAX additive up to 10%, and the decoration varnishes from 10% to 20%. The DecoMax additive is not recommended for painting newly plastered surfaces.
Cleaning tools: Rinse tools with water immediately after work.
Storage and transport conditions: at a temperature not lower than +5°C and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from direct sunlight and freezing!
Environmental and occupational safety: Do not pour into drains, watercourses or soil. Try not to inhale the vapors. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. If swallowed, call a poison control and information office or seek medical attention immediately. Keep out of reach of children.

Gaminame aukščiausios kokybės produktus: dažus, glaistus, gruntus, tinkus, klijus, lakus, sandariklius, dekoravimo medžiagas, aliejus ir impregnantus medienai - viską, ko reikia Jūsų namų remontui nuo grindų iki lubų.