Moisture- and wet-rubbing-resistant
water-dispersion varnish
for interior work.
Field of application: water-diluted varnish for parquet and wooden floors inside buildings in low-intensity areas, such as bedrooms and the like.
Surface preparation: the surface must be dry, clean and free of grease. The relative humidity of the wood must not exceed 10%. Sand the previously varnished surface and remove dust. Before varnishing, it is recommended to prime the wood with primer PRO.PARKET in one coat.
Use: mix the varnish well before use. Varnish should be applied in 3-4 coats without primer, 2-3 coats should be applied using primer. Varnish by brush, roller or sprayer. After each coat has dried (except for the last coat), it is recommended varnished surface to sand lightly using a 150-200 sanding mesh.
Drying time: at +20°C and 65% relative humidity: 3-4 hours first layer, 4-5 hours second layer, 5-6 hours third layer and 6-8 hours fourth layer. Walking on the varnished surface is possible after 10 hours since the last coat. Full hardness is achieved after 25 days.
Consumption: 100-120 g / m².
Storage and carriage conditions: at least +5ºC and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from direct sunlight and freezing!
Environmental and work safety: do not pour into drains, water reservoirs or soil. Avoid breathing vapor/aerosol. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory protective equipment. If swallowed, immediately call a poison control center or doctor. Keep away from children.
The volatile organic compounds: 1.1.9i) limit value 140g/l. The maximum in ready to use product no more than 139,95 g/l.
Duration of validity: 18 months after the manufacture date. See package.
In case of any questions, contact the specified phone numbers.

Gaminame aukščiausios kokybės produktus: dažus, glaistus, gruntus, tinkus, klijus, lakus, sandariklius, dekoravimo medžiagas, aliejus ir impregnantus medienai - viską, ko reikia Jūsų namų remontui nuo grindų iki lubų.