For reinforcement of internal corners and joints using HYDROISOLATION K1. (12.5 meters)
Area of use: reinforcing fabric is intended for strengthening the internal corners and joints (between walls and floors, between panels connected to each other in a plane) of various surfaces (concrete, wooden, mineral, plasterboard) using HYDROISOLATION K1. For indoor and outdoor work.
Properties: elastic, strengthens reinforced surfaces.
Substrate preparation: The surface must be solid, dry and clean, free of grease stains. Clean off dirt, dust and other adhesion-reducing substances. Surfaces that absorb water should be primed with 10-20% water-diluted HYDROISOLATE K1.
Working conditions: the temperature of the base and the environment during reinforcement work must not be lower than +5°C, the optimal working conditions are at a temperature of +20°C and 65% relative air humidity.
Application: apply HYDROISOLATION K1 to the reinforced surface and immediately, on top of the non-dry layer of HYDROISOLATION K1, lay the reinforcing fabric and apply HYDROISOLATION K1 again on top.

Gaminame aukščiausios kokybės produktus: dažus, glaistus, gruntus, tinkus, klijus, lakus, sandariklius, dekoravimo medžiagas, aliejus ir impregnantus medienai - viską, ko reikia Jūsų namų remontui nuo grindų iki lubų.