Wood impregnation - decoration agent with wax additives. Based on water-acrylic dispersion.
Area of use: impregnation of wooden surfaces (outdoor gazebos, fences, gates and other elements of garden architecture). For indoor and outdoor work.
Properties: the wax contained in the product provides the wood to be impregnated with protection from moisture and other atmospheric factors, thus preventing the creation of the necessary conditions for the growth of microorganisms. Good coverage, deeply absorbed into impregnating surfaces. Weak, specific smell.
Surface preparation: The substrate must be dry and clean. Wood humidity cannot be higher than 15%. Anti-adhesion substances - to wipe off grease, dust and other residues. Microorganisms (lichen, moss) should be removed with chemical cleaning agents intended for this purpose.
Working conditions: the temperature of the base and the environment during work and drying must not be lower than +5°C, the optimal working conditions are at a temperature of +20°C and 65% relative air humidity. Do not work in direct sunlight, wind or rain.
Use: mix the impregnant well before use. Use a single-batch impregnant for the area to be impregnated. Mix impregnant from different batches in one container and immediately impregnate the entire area from corner to corner. In this way, different shades will be avoided. It is recommended to apply the impregnant with a brush or brush, rubbing it well into the surface in 1-2 layers. In order to obtain a more intense, darker color, we recommend applying the impregnant in two layers. The next layer can be applied only after the first one has dried (after 3-6 hours).
Drying time: at an air temperature of +20°C and a relative air humidity of 65%: non-sticky after 1 hour, fully dry within 12 - 24 hours.
Consumption: 17 - 18 m²/l (applied in one layer).
Cleaning tools: Rinse tools with water immediately after work.
Color: White, Clear, Pine, Olive, Pine, Oak, Golden Oak, Chestnut, Teak, Brown, Mahogany, Green, Rowan, Dark Brown, Black, Grey. (You can see the full colorist in the OTHER INFORMATION section)
Storage and transport conditions: at a temperature not lower than +5°C and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from direct sunlight and freezing!
Environmental and occupational safety: Do not pour impregnant into drains, watercourses or soil. Try not to inhale the vapors. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. If swallowed, immediately call the poison control and information office or consult a doctor. Keep out of the reach of children.

Gaminame aukščiausios kokybės produktus: dažus, glaistus, gruntus, tinkus, klijus, lakus, sandariklius, dekoravimo medžiagas, aliejus ir impregnantus medienai - viską, ko reikia Jūsų namų remontui nuo grindų iki lubų.