Ready-to-use acrylic mosaic plaster.
RS - finer
RM - larger
Area of use: for plastering plastered, concrete, silicate blocks, plasterboard, brickwork and other mineral surfaces inside buildings, and externally it is recommended for plastering surfaces insulated with polystyrene foam. Plaster is not suitable for covering horizontal surfaces, as well as surfaces subject to water loads.
Properties: good adhesion to the surface, weak, specific smell, plastic, easy to apply and smooth, resistant to the effects of atmospheric factors. Thanks to the biocidal product (the active ingredient of which is 4,5-dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothazol-3-one, 3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate, 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one) mosaic plaster MOSAIK is resistant to mold (fungi), algae and bacteria.
Surface preparation: The substrate must be firm (not crumbly), dry, clean and smooth. Remove adhesion-reducing substances - grease, grease, dust, mortar residues, old peeling paint, chalky surfaces. Clean indoor and outdoor mineral surfaces contaminated with mold, other fungi, algae, and other dirt with PRO cleaner BIO STOP. Weak and porous surfaces should first be primed with PRO primer SILSIL, then with PRO primer KONTAKT, which increases adhesion to the surface, immediately prime strong surfaces with PRO primer KONTAKT, which increases adhesion to the surface (it is recommended to tint the primer in the color corresponding to the mosaic plaster). Before priming and laying the mosaic plaster, the surfaces insulated with polystyrene foam on the outside of the buildings must be smooth, no thinner than 6 mm thick, and reinforced with a reinforcing compound.
Working conditions: the substrate and ambient temperature during work and drying must not be lower than +5°C and not higher than +30°C, the optimal working conditions are at a temperature of +20°C and 65% relative air humidity. Do not work in direct sunlight, strong drafts, or rain. Cement surfaces must be mature (apply MOZAIKA mosaic plaster on a layer of new plaster or reinforcement mixture no earlier than 28 days, and on concrete - no earlier than 90 days). Make sure that aggressive chemical substances do not migrate to the surface applied with mosaic plaster MOZAIKA.
Plastering: Mix the mosaic plaster well before use. Apply and smooth by hand using a stainless steel trowel - putty.
Costs: RM ~ 4.1 - 4.5 kg/m²; RS ~ 2.3 - 2.8 kg/m²
Drying time: at a temperature of +20°C and a relative air humidity of 65%: ~48 hours.
Cleaning tools: Rinse with water immediately after work.
Color: Various Factory Shades.
Storage and transport conditions: at a temperature not lower than +5°C and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from freezing!
Technical data: binding material - copolymer acrylic dispersion; density (comparative weight) – 1.8 kg/l; content of non-volatile substances - 80%; fraction - 1.8-2.0mm; the diluent is water.
Environmental and occupational safety: Do not pour plaster into drains, watercourses or soil. Try not to inhale the vapors. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. If swallowed, call a poison control and information office or seek medical attention immediately. In case of contact with eyes, wash immediately with plenty of water. Keep out of reach of children. EUH208 - May cause an allergic reaction. Contains 3(2H)-isothiazolone, 5-chloro-2-methyl- mixture with 2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone, 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 2-methyl-2H-isothiazolone - 3-one, 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one and 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilepropionamide.

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